Your words can change lives
Kind words are like honey – sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Pr16:24. Your words are life. A few short words can change your total outlook or the outlook of somebody else. As life seems to get busier, people seem to have more time to express their dissatisfaction rather than to pause and share some words of gratitude, praise, appreciation or acknowledgement that can mean so much to someone else. Never take anyone for granted. Let them know you care, always tell those dearest to your heart that you love them. They may know it, but they need to hear it! Let your words build up and bring joy into the lives of others today. Praise God for His Word today that make it so clear how wonderfully He loves us and what a difference His Word makes in our life. There is a hidden blessing in gratitude and praise. As you praise and bless others with your words, you too will also be blessed and filled with joy.
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