You were created to be a blessing
Give generously to the poor, not grudgingly, for the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do. Deut 15:10. We were created to be a blessing. The more you unselfishly give or do for others, the more God will pour back into your life. God is not interested in empire building, so if you do have needs, give from whatever little you have and God will make what you have left stretch to cover your needs. As you sow into the lives of others, you will reap in your own life. God desires to bless you, but you need to trust Him and be willing to give of your talents, time or resources to make a difference in the lives of others. When we bless others we bless God. It says in Mat 25:45 what you didn’t do for the least of these you didn’t do for me. Praise God today that He has blessed us to be a blessing. As we honour God by blessing others from what He has give us, we will also be blessed.
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