With God the impossible is possible as He is always with you
I love you, LORD; you are my strength. The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. PS 18:1-2. Your are never alone, God is aways with you. Do not be afraid to step out and trust God. You were not created to accomplish everything on your own. God will call you to what seems impossible, but with God’s help you will reach beyond whatever you thought possible. Don’t be afraid of others who may oppose or mock you, as they truly don’t understand what God has put on your heart. If you are willing to trust God, and surrender to His will for your life, you will do amazing things for God and your life will become full of testimonies to God’s wonderful favour and grace. Praise God today that His plans for you include Him, that means nothing will be impossible for you as you trust Him. Prayerchair.org
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