True humility and fear of the Lord, lead to riches, honour, and long life
True humility and fear of the Lord, lead to riches, honor, and long life. Proverbs 22:4.
When we remain in awe of God, and who He is, we'll be poised to see His favour increase in our life. Many people can remain humble in times of struggle, but the true and most difficult test is- who do you become in times of success and great blessings. God will not bless you out of your salvation. Success can bring pride in one's own ability, greed, or arrogance where we forget God and what He's done for us. But if we can remain humble, keeping the things of the world second place to our relationship with Him, and prove ourselves faithful in the smallest of things, He'll bless us with greater things in every area of our life. Praise God today that He's our everything, and as we keep Him in the right place in our heart,and remain humble in every situation, we’ll see His abundant grace and favour move in our life.