To know Jesus is to allow Him to take you on an incredible journey in Him
But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. Ph 3:12a. There is a difference between knowing about Jesus and knowing Jesus. The devil knows about Jesus but doesn’t know Him. To know Jesus starts with a life changing decision to ask Him to forgive your past failings and to invite Him into your heart and allow Him to co habit with you on life’s journey. He will give you a fresh start to enjoy life as you never thought possible. He will take you from perfection to perfection no matter where you are right now, and start to bring about changes in your life to help you to become the person you’ve always wanted to be. He will take you on roads you never knew existed and build bridges to create new ways for you. Thank Jesus today that He will always be the joy in your heart, who will never leave you nor forsake you, and loves you too much to leave you just the way you are.
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