Life will be easier if we do things God’s way
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Mat 6:33. Sometimes life can become so overwhelming and messed up that we need God’s help to re order our priorities. As we seek first His Kingdom, He will guide us, and sometimes that guidance may be – rest, take time out. In order to get back on track we may need time to sort out what we are doing and why – as God’s work, done God’s way, will have God’s provision. When we start doing things in our own strength rather than drawing on God and His will for our life, we can burn out. Our priority must be God first, family, and then God will guide us in the direction of work and ministry. He will equip us and give us the wisdom we need as we keep close to Him. Praise God today that His way always makes a way, and that as we seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness we can live a blessed life.
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