Keep your eyes on God to see breakthroughs in your life
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need. Lk12:31. As we shift our focus from our problems onto God,we give Him room to move in our life. He already knows what we need even before we ask Him. As we thank Him for our breakthroughs in faith, even before we see it, He’ll swap our worries for His peace. As we keep our eyes on Him He’ll guide our steps and also help us to reorder our priorities so that we can get the most out of life. God loves us with a zeal and a passion and will not hold anything back from us. Ironically, it’s usually at our times of greatest need that we draw closest to God,and can experience intimacy with our Heavenly Father. It’s also in that place we can receive greater insight into our situation as God makes a way through. Praise God today that it’s His desire that we live an abundant life and lack nothing as we keep close to Him.
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