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Jesus will meet your deepest needs as you open your heart to Him

Jesus replied, “If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.” Jn 4:10. Jesus is not into short term solutions but desires to address your deepest needs to bring inner healing and complete restoration. Often our needs can stem from hurts and problems in our life that have not been dealt with. Jesus desires to fill you with the Holy Spirit, with His living water to guide you, comfort you, and reveal God’s unconditional love for you in new and wonderful ways. God loves you too much to leave you just as you are, and as you open your heart to Him, He will fill the cracks, heal the hurts, restore your confidence, and give you a new identity and boldness in Him. Praise God today that as you yield to His Spirit and walk in His ways, you will experience a new liberty and freedom you never thought was possible.

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