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Jesus directs our priorities to give us the best life possible

A bowl of vegetables with someone you love is better than steak with someone you hate. Prov 15:17. The best things in life aren’t things. Sometimes we get our priorities so mixed up that we chase material things to the detriment of those we love. We chase wrong relationships for personal gain or work excessively leaving those we care about behind. Don’t sacrifice your children on the altar of success. Don’t withhold your love and time from those you really care about to chase material gains that can be lost in an instant rather than developing binding relationships that can last forever. Jesus came to set us free from the things that entangle us or change our perspective on what’s really important. As we put Him first in our life He will bring the right order and priorities into our life. Praise God today that as we walk with Him every day we can be fulfilled, happy and content in every area of our life.

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