Jesus bridged the gap between God and humanity
I urged both Jews and non-Jews to turn from sin to God and to have faith in our Lord Jesus. Acts20:21 Jesus bridged the gap between God and humanity. He took the sins of humanity that separated us from God to the cross, so that we can live in the freedom and liberty that God had always intended for us. Jesus made a way for us to have peace with God now and forever. To receive God’s gift of eternal life and a fresh start,we must make a decision to believe in Jesus and to repent of those things that we know in our heart have not pleased Him. As we accept what Jesus did for us, He will forgive our past sins and release us into the fullness of His love. He will change the way we see others and ourselves. He will become our strength and our hope. PraIse God today that as we place our faith in Jesus and walk in His ways, we will experience a depth of love and peace like we’ve never known before.