Greatness in God’s eyes are is totally different to mans
But many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then.” Mk 10:31. God’s hierarchy is totally different to mans’ which is focussed on wealth, fame and status. God recognises those who follow His will and desire to continually draw nearer to Him. The greatest things for God are often done in secret, with no media appeal or interest, but have a great impact for God. Even the smallest acts of kindness and generosity in Jesus’ name will be recognised by God. The greater the fruits of the Spirit operating in your life the greater the impact you will have for God. As you yield to His spirit and trust God to step out in whatever He puts on your heart, you’ll store up treasure and recognition in God’s eternal kingdom. Praise God today, that the greatest thing we can do is to be faithful to His calling on our life.
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