God’s Word will last forever
Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear. Mk 13:31. God’s Word is etched in eternity, with ramifications beyond our understanding. God can not lie, so when we put our faith and hope in His Word we are placing our hope in the rock and foundation of our faith, in God Himself. God’s Word transcends time. His Word is truth and truth is always true. It has the same power to change lives today as it did 2000 years ago. God’s Word will reach deeply into your very being. You don’t go through the Word, the Word will go through you! It will change you, challenge you, strengthen you, save you and equip you with everything you need to step into the fulfilment of the amazing life God has for you both in this life and the next. Praise God today that His Word, His road map for life will last forever. As we place our faith and hope in God’s Word, we can live a fulfilled life. Prayerchair.org
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