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God loves your more deeply than you’ll ever know

Lord, don't hold back your tender mercies from me. Let your unfailing love and faithfulness always protect me. Psalm 40:11.

You are in the heart of Father God. We can never fully understand how much we're truly loved of God until we surrender ourselves to His love and invite Jesus into our heart. The love of Jesus will flood your being as you sense His tender mercies moving through your life to start you on a road to inner healing and renewal of perspectives of how you see yourself and others. Jesus in your heart is about a personal relationship, where you can talk with Him any time of day and in your time of need where His unfailing love and faithfulness will always be there for you, to meet your needs, to protect you, and to guide your steps. Thank Jesus today that His unfailing love and tender mercies are always with us, ready to move in our life and to guide us as we keep close to Him.

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