Don’t miss out on today whilst worrying about tomorrow
“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Mat6.34. Enjoy each day the Lord gives you. Learn to live in the blessings of the moment, the encounters with those God has given you and learn to be content with what you have, as the most precious things in life aren’t things. Don’t lose your life chasing tomorrows possibilities. As you trust God and place Him first in all that you do, He will order your steps. God is not a demanding God but a loving God,who desires to take you on a journey to realise the fullest potential of all that He’s put inside of you that will bess you and others around you. Thank God for each day and make them count. Build memories and moments that last and don’t lose them worrying about tomorrow whilst your living today. Praise God today that He will take care of all our needs as we put our trust in Him.
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