Don’t judge others or else you’ll be judged
Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. Mat 7:1-2a. You can’t change someone by pointing the finger. But when you come along someone to share their burden, not in a judgemental way, but with a heart of compassion, you can start a healing process that can bring restoration. We are not to judge. A heart of judgement stems from an attitude of pride in placing your own righteousness above that of others. It’s for that very reason we can’t earn our salvation, it’s a free gift of God. Who knows… that when we look at others less fortunate or those who are struggling, if we had the same background and were faced with the same life circumstances, would we be in the same place or possibly even worse? Praise God today that God didn’t judge us but redeemed us, and in the same way we should reach out in love to those in need and not judge them
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