Don’t hesitate trust God
Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest. Ecclesiastes 11:4. Sometimes we just need to go for it. I've heard so many people say I would like to do this or that when I'm ready, and let fear of the unknown get in the way so they end up doing nothing. We're all works in progress and not perfect, so we just need to start and trust God. God desires to stretch us to help us to grow, and He won't often move until we take the first few steps of faith so that He can take us further. God is always with you, so don't just look at your own ability, but look at what you can do together with God. So trust God and follow whatever God puts on your heart, and He'll remove every obstacle, give you the wisdom with what say and will make a way. Praise God today that as we trust Him and step out as He prompts us, we'll do so much more than we ever thought possible.

One step at the time 🥰