Chose Jesus and choose life
If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it. Mk 8:35. The most important things in life are not what we see but what we don’t see. Eternal destiny is in your grasp, to choose life and follow Jesus or to reject Him and be separated from Him forever. Jesus desires the very best for your life. He desires to take your pain, addictions and struggles and to replace them with His freedom, peace and joy. As you desire what Jesus desires for your life and let go of those things that you know are holding you back, He will give you a fresh start, real purpose, and a personal relationship with Himself that’s bound in God’s inseparable love for you. Praise God today that He desires to bless us to bless others and to use us for His glory as we yield ourselves to His ways and not our ways.
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