Be a life changer through prayer
Don’t believe me unless I carry out my Father’s work. But if I do his work, believe in the evidence of the miraculous works I have done, even if you don’t believe me. Jn 10:37-38a. God is the same prayer answering, miracle working, circumstance changing, life saving God, yesterday, today and forever. God calls “works”, to pray for the sick to release healing, to pray for the broken hearted to bind up their hurts, to pray for the captives to set them free. This is what we are called to do – to pray and release Gods love into a hurting world, to release His grace mercy and love so others too will want to experience the love of Jesus in their lives every day. God’s work load is not heavy. He gives us the joy of seeing what a difference He can make in the lives of others. Praise God today that He still answers the faith filled prayers of those who love Him. Share God’s love with someone through prayer today.
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