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At Easter we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus our Lord and Saviour

For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son,so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John3:16. At Easter we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus that was the greatest act in history. In fact every year of our life is measured from the time our Heavenly Father sent Jesus into the earth to redeem mankind 2021 years ago. The death of Jesus, a sacrifice greater than the sins of all humanity was the only way to redeem and reconcile mankind back to God. He paid a price that we couldn’t pay. Jesus died on a Roman cross and took the penalty of mans’ sin upon Himself so that all who would believe in Him would not die but have eternal life. Thank God today that at Easter we can remember what Jesus did for us in reconciling us back to the Father so that we can live in the resurrection life that He always intended for us,now and forever.

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