An expectant heart will see God’s favour
Early on Sunday morning, as the new day was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to visit the tomb. Mat28:1. It was with an expectant heart that the 2 Mary’s set off to the tomb on Sunday morning. They didn’t yet know if Jesus had risen from the dead but they believed what He had said. They were not going to wait for others, they were expectant in their own hearts. They believed God on His word and the women were not disappointed. An angel greeted them with the news of Jesus’ resurrection. They did not let the initial disappointment of Jesus death or the fear of others hold them back, but trusted Jesus at His word. It’s this trust in God that yields results. When we look to God regardless of what we see or hear, God will lift us up and bring victory. Thank Jesus today that He is risen and as we keep an expectant and trusting heart at all times,we will live a life of victory.
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