An attitude of gratitude will fill your life with peace and happiness
Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
An attitude of gratitude is the secret to happiness. When you can find even the smallest good in every situation your heart will remain in peace and you'll also have less stress in your life. An attitude of gratitude helps to keep our heart and eyes on Jesus where we're grateful for even the smallest things in life. As humans we tend to over think our problems that takes our eyes off God that steals our peace and joy. As we continue to thank God through all situations, our lives will be blessed, our relationships will be blessed,and we'll learn to experience the joy of the Spirit and true happiness more and more each day. Praise God today that as we maintain an attitude of gratitude at all times, giving thanks to God in all things, our life will be filled with overflowing peace and joy.
