Hi, we are the Prayerchair Team & it's so good to have you here
We are all members of different Christian churches in Brighton and around Sussex and we come together to share the love of Jesus and to pray for people on the streets.
FIND US | Every Saturday from 1pm @ New Road, Brighton & Eastbourne Beacon Main Entrance
We all need encouragement in our life. We send out Daily Words on weekdays via Email, Text or WhatsApp based on a verse from the Bible with a short explanation to encourage you and lift you up each day.
God desires mercy and not sacrifice
Jesus makes the impossible possible
Let His perfect peace be your guide and comfort
God will meet your needs but not necessarily all your wants
Don’t let unforgiveness rob your eternal future
Live in the second mile blessing
Remove those obstacles that can hinder your relationship with God
Jesus has set us free
The same Holy Spirit that was there at creation now dwells in you
We must learn to walk in His peace in all situations
Let this be a year of gratitude
The Lord’s Word is our comfort and peace
It’s a New day
The best things in life aren’t things
Walk in faith and not fear
Trusting God will lead you into your destiny
God knows best
The greatest gift of all!
God wants your heart above all else
Let God’s reconciliatory love flow in your life this Christmas