Hi, we are the Prayerchair Team & it's so good to have you here
We are all members of different Christian churches in Brighton and around Sussex and we come together to share the love of Jesus and to pray for people on the streets.
FIND US | Every Saturday from 1pm @ New Road, Brighton & Eastbourne Beacon Main Entrance
We all need encouragement in our life. We send out Daily Words on weekdays via Email, Text or WhatsApp based on a verse from the Bible with a short explanation to encourage you and lift you up each day.
If we commit our actions to God, our pans will succeed
Keep your eyes on God and He will guide your steps
Follow the example of Jesus to live a joy filled life
The key to a fruitful life is to keep Jesus in the centre of your life
The more you immerse yourself in God’s Word the easier it will be to walk in His ways
There is no situation too big or too hard for God
Big things are the sum of small things, so step out in faith and start today
The more time we spend with Jesus, the greater freedom we will have in our life
If we do what Jesus did, we will live a blessed life
Jesus offers us a divine exchange, our mess for His best
Jesus is the change we need in our life, to breakthrough old ways, that hold us back
When things look hopeless, find strength in the Lord
Don’t look for excuses, but look to Jesus, He is our way forward
You need to position yourself to receive your miracle
Trust God to see His power released in your life
We must never lose sight of the awesomeness of God
If you truly know Jesus, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free
Jesus is the light of the world
Whoever learns from correction is wise
Don’t judge others, but show love and mercy just as Jesus did