Hi, we are the Prayerchair Team & it's so good to have you here
We are all members of different Christian churches in Brighton and around Sussex and we come together to share the love of Jesus and to pray for people on the streets.
FIND US | Every Saturday from 1pm @ New Road, Brighton & Eastbourne Beacon Main Entrance
We all need encouragement in our life. We send out Daily Words on weekdays via Email, Text or WhatsApp based on a verse from the Bible with a short explanation to encourage you and lift you up each day.
The words you speak will determine your future
God will do amazing things through our life if we obey Him
God has had a plan for your life since the beginning of time
True freedom is found when we abandon ourselves to God
It’s not what happens on the outside, but on the inside, that matters to God
Don’t allow a crushed spirit to steal your life
How you deal with anger is a powerful witness to others about God in your life
God’s Word is just as powerful today as the day it was written
When we stand on the Word we release God’s power into our situation
Heaven and earth will disappear, but God’s words will never disappear
The key to your breakthrough is how you position yourself with God
You have the mind of Christ to guide your thoughts and actions
God desires to do something new in your life, so position yourself to receive what God has for you
Sometimes you need to change the way you think to change your life
Let God guide your steps this year
Jesus is the reason for the season
God gave to us so we can give to others
Your thoughts will determine your outcomes
Your words can start or stop a volatile situation
Your words are key to your own peace and the peace of others